• Email Support fyrewallinc@gmail.com
  • Call Support 561-506-9895
  • Location Boynton Beach, Florida, USA
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Unarmed Security Guards in Boynton Beach

Unarmed Security Guards in Boynton Beach

The procurement of security services depends on the environment, importance and scope of work. Typically banks, airports, checkpoints and even private clients may require armed guards based on certain high risk factors such as robbery, trespassing or as bodyguards. The scope, performance and skill thus requires different and specialized levels of training and certification. Similarly, an Unarmed Security Guard is just as useful and skilled at providing safety and security as required; first by presence, scope of duties, customer service focus, training and certification. Unarmed Guards posts include at front desk- reception areas, gates/entrances, retail stores, construction sites, hospitals, and schools, community gatehouses, at events, parking lots or rover patrolling the premises. The unarmed guard’s main task is to observe and report; whether it is suspicious activity, disturbances, trespassers, or even non-working lights, hazard-potential items, and so forth. An alert, pro-active and well-rested guard is always the best kind to look for. Fyrewall Security’s professionalism comes with the assurance of their guard’s ability to perform duties as outlined in the company’s guidelines and in compliance with the tailored need of clients. Alert. Aware. Active.

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